What is SAFER?
MISSION Making healthcare safer
VISION Pursuing Lifelong learning to develop optimal healthcare
SAFER is an independent foundation and a simulation centre established in 2006 in collaboration with Stavanger University Hospital (SUS), The University of Stavanger (UiS) and Laerdal Medical AS (LMAS). Its purpose is to harness learning-based simulation as a contribution towards improved patient safety, first and foremost by stimulating skills development among the founders’ personnel.
Together with its founders, SAFER held over 15,000 days of courses in 2019. In order to improve clincal practice and build quality, SAFER considers it important to monitor, evaluate and research so the value of simulation is maximised. This is why SAFER is also involved with professional research and course development. Stavanger University Hospital has, under the auspices of regional health authority Helse Vest, recently been assigned a task as laid out in a government White Paper for 2020-2023. This involves establishing a national collaboration to develop and utilise simulation as a training method. SUS has delegated the professional responsibility to SAFER.
SAFER forms part of an active collaborative network with world-class medical simulation centres and are spearheading the establishment and integration of simulation as a learning method in health training institutions and hospitals globally. SAFER is an active partner in the European patient simulation network, EuSim, and the only Norwegian simulation centre certified by SESAM (Society for Simulation in Europe).
SAFER offers training at all levels of the life-saving chain, from emergency call handling and basal emergency treatment for pre- and in-hospital personnel, to advanced medical treatment. Educational activity covers the various sectors of The Circle of Learning and includes skills and decision-making training, as well as full-scale simulation training – both individually and in teams. The centre’s aim is to contribute to better emergency medical training where it is possible to train on challenging, rare and potentially dangerous situations under safe conditions. Patient safety is paramount in that training takes place using trainer mannequins, thereby avoiding danger or discomfort to the patient. At the same time, this simulation equips health workers with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle uncommon emergency situations. The intent is that training and simulation at SAFER will contribute to increased clinical expertise and safety, increased patient safety and subsequently improved patient results/survivability. SAFER’s goal is to be an exemplary centre, where others can come to see how to set up their own, as well as one that participates actively in national and international networks with simulation expertise. In collaboration with the University of Stavanger, Stavanger University Hospital and Laerdal Medical, research into learning, patient safety and clinical practice is facilitated. SAFER was founded on 12th May 2006.


Arielle Heimvik
Anita Ege
Arne Skjæveland
Eli Kydland
Erlend Gundegjerde
Liv Heidi Karlsen
Toril Asbjørnsen
Trine Skjeie
Øystein Mong